Thursday, April 13, 2006


It's Maundy Thursday and usually people are having some reflections on this season.

The past three weeks have been unusual for me in the sense that I don't do the same things I've been doing every weekends. Some people might have been wondering why but I'd rather explain it in a general context.

A week before my graduation day, I had this humbling experience. Once in a while we need these kinds of experiences for self-check to help us recognize who we are, what we are and what we've been doing. But mine was a bit strange and off cause it happened at an unusual place and with an unexpected person. Ika nga of all places dun pa at sa lahat ng tao (ayokong magdowngrade) siya pa na dapat mas malawak ang pananaw?! I've never been humiliated like this all my life, and if "other people" said those things in front of other people, I could have understand it.
For weeks, I resorted to avoidance rather than confrontation cause if it happens again I do not know what I can possibly do. As I look back, I remember my constant prayer a few months ago and ask God whether this is His response to my prayer. Some people may not understand but I know the One up there knows me by heart. He knows my plans and intentions.
One thing's for sure, this too shall pass and I hope that happens soon... cause when I make decisions, I make firm decisions and there's no turning back.


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